CAPS to lowercase

Capitalized letters to lowercase Lowercase your capitalized letters and words. Simply paste the text below and you’ll have the lowercased version in Lowercase After you click Lowercase button the lowercased text will appear on the same text box.

Capitalize Words

Capitalize Words in Text Enter your text below and click the capitalize button below. Capitalize Words After you click Capialize button the capitalized text will appear on the same text box.

Remove Dublicate Lines

This tool helps you Remove lines containing certain words or letters or numbers. Simply paste the lines below and click submit. Remove After you click REmove all the clean lines will be available on the text box.

Multiple Url Opener

Open Multiple Urls This is a nice little tool that helps you open multiple urls in major browsers. Simply paste all urls in the text field below and tap the blue button. We recommend not entering more than 20 urls at once as some browser may freeze. Open them all If only one urls opens